New Patch.

We hope you like our take on Yellow Diamond. She’s live on the site and Facebook, with the Etsy listing going live on Wednesday 25th July. From now on items will go live on the site first and Etsy after.

We’re back online.

We want to  deeply apologise for letting the website lapse and not updating and checking it.  We found Etsy took up a lot of our time and we let every other site, including our social media, to fall behind. But now with Etsys fee increase we’re back to looking at the site, with a view to let Etsy become a miner part of the way we sell. We’re updating our polices and the stock to add the rest of the items over the coming week, so check back later too see the changes.

We hope you’ll give this site a second chance and place be sure we’ll be checking on the site every day!
